Healing: One Day At a Time

Yesterday, I met with my colonic hydrotherapist. It was my first visit, and I’ll write about that in another post. During our consultation, I decided to take her advice and add smoothies to my daily routine. Why? Although my diet is extremely healthy, I still have problems with sluggish bowels. I’ve talked about gut bacteria with those close to me and rebuilding, so it was nice that she was focused on that, too.

Fermented Foods

During our discussion, she asked me what I knew about fermented foods. I was familiar with fermented foods and told her I was currently fermenting foods in my kitchen: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and yellow onions. They’ve been on my kitchen island for a few weeks! I told her I’d be willing to introduce that into my daily intake slowly. Slow since some fermented foods can cause a flare-up with auto-immune disease. Flares are typically triggered by sugar and fried foods, so I will check to see how these fermented foods do since they contain neither.  I had two slices of fermented cucumbers this morning, poured some of the fermented juice into a small jar, and drank that.

Triphala Digestion & Colon Cleanse

The hydrotherapist also suggested that I take a digestive supplement three times daily. I used to use Triphala many years ago and had great experiences with it, so I’m willing to try it again.


Instead of focusing on juicing, she suggested that I include smoothies, which will add more fiber and assist my sluggish bowels. I enjoy smoothies and prefer savory smoothies over sweet smoothies, so I have no issue creating mainly smoothies and supplementing them with juices.


I decided to do a series of colonics; with the challenges I’ve been facing, this is most helpful, and the great thing is I don’t have a set time to use them. I purchased five. I decided to schedule my next colonics this Friday.


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